Free Free Free Free Free
Okay you get the point! Free Goodie bags, Magic Video, Magic Book and Tricks for all the children, Coupons, Free Newsletter
Subscription and More....All FREE and All You Have To Do Is "TEST DRIVE" My New Show!
Obviously you love your children and you probably wish you could do more for them than you already are. If money were
no object, the children in your life would have most anything they wanted, isn't that right? Well, Money is always an
I say....Get the most for your money! Are we on the same page?
Why hire some HIGH Priced Magic Company who only offers you a small show for top dollar? Get the most for your money!
Are you with me on this one?
To get you to try out my Ultimate Birthday Party Show
I am going to bribe you so silly your legs will wobble and your head will be spinning so fast, your blood pumping
so much that you will have to sit down and watch a "Love Boat Marathon" just to calm down!
Now lets take a look at all the FREE STUFF you are going to get just for saying YES. these freebies will get your
heart pumping and your magic juices flowing.
If you are serious about making your child's party UNFORGETTABLE...It will be impossible for you to resist everything
I want to give you for FREE!
Okay, lets get going! Do The Clicky Thingy....go on!